Thursday, June 9, 2016


     When this class began, I never though much about media. I watched TV, saw commercials, texted my friends, posted on Twitter, snapchat, and Instagram, and basically every form of media an average teenager does. When we started learning about the effects of media, i didn't think I would learn as much as I did. As time went on, I noticed I was paying more attention to what I saw and heard on the media. All the way from small commericals to movies, I began to notice the lasting effect it leaves on everyone paying attention and watching it. 
     These media blogs lead me to pay more attention to what I was seeing on different apps and in different movies. MissRepresentation, I believe, left the strongest impact on me. To hear these percentages of low self confidence, women as protagonists in movies, women in government, and many more was almost a wake up call. I never payed much attention to these problems surrounding us, but now I see them everywhere. In the movies I watch I see how women are portrayed, along with commericals and TV shows. I was also able to evaluate these specific problems in ads and the aps teenage girls use these days such as FaceTune and perfect365. 
     Media blogs have also allowed me to become more aware of the presidential election occurring this year. My family is very involved in politics, but now I have been able to read and evaluate articles I see and interviews on television. I see how different news channels lean more towards a certain candidate (for example Fox turns to more towards republicans and their views). 
     This semester I have also learned how large of an effect we have on the media. Our generation is the most involved with Twitter, Instagram, snapchat, and many other forms of media. We are constantly posting how we feel, sharing our opinions, and nearly anything you can do on media. Teenagers now and days are able to get a lot of their information from media, constantly taking in new ideas and opinions from the second we open our phones. 
     Overall, this semester and media blogs have led me to become way more aware. I was opened up to a whole new spectrum of problems occurring in our world. I believe I can start to make a small difference through what I post, what I chose not to post, which movies I watch, and how I take in the media around me. Although these blogs at time have made me sit down and type up something on a Sunday night, I appreciate them. As I went on I enjoyed typing them. I am  now sitting here on a Wednesday night with a whole new perspective of the world and it's involvement with media. 

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